Ocellated Turkey, Great Curassow are located down the page
Vultuine Guinea Fowl for sale and information is located down this page after the Java info.
Vulturine Group (winter holding area)
Talking with several older peafowl breeders it seemed fatalities happened when their greens were left outside, laying on the ground instead of being inside the barns. In Texas this behavior is normal during summer nights. We encourage our green peafowl to roost inside by installing 40 watt lights, turned on before dark. This would bring the peafowl into the shed, by sun down they would just stay there up on the roost. For those up north common practice is to install heat tape on the roost since the feet and toes need to be protected more than the body itself. We think that you should have straw on hand (dry) just before the winter weather starts. We noticed soon as a heavy bedding material was added the peafowl would go straight to the ground, this is very important for prolong cold spells. While we don’t selectively feed straight corn or cracked corn during summer months (other than what is added to processed feed), we do use corn during the winter months to add fat, and to increase body heat for several species of birds kept.
The open page has additional information regarding green peafowl ... I know ... we should have kept this species on the same page... nothing is perfect.
Green peafowl
If your interested in green peafowl you must do your homework... don't expect others to discredit their own stock. If your not sure what your looking at... just wait until you are.
I never really know how to discuss green peafowl. We don’t want to come across as arrogant nor portray or imply were the experts. I’ve never been to Java, Indonesia, Burma, or Malaysia as a few have. Never seen 100 year old skins from the museums. I have spent years traveling, searching for the best greens available in the states. Have had countless numbers of green peafowl from various respected breeders, most were not pure greens. There are some very nice pure green Muticus peafowl in the states but, the trend is for that breeder to sell or trade to another individual who might then lose one bird of the pair… replacing the loss bird with a bird of less quality. From that point on those greens will never produce pure greens or be pure greens, only adding to a diminishing future for that species. Remember this one point… it’s either a pure green, or hybrid… no combination of the two will ever produce a pure green species. For this reason alone we removed most all green peafowl … even if from a reputable breeder. Keeping a few hens that were from facilities that we were able to visit, seeing the actual breeders and comparing wing bands against breeding records.
So we did sell off all domestic green peafowl other than the Imported males and RM hens... it just made more since for us to stay with and breed the best birds available... unfortunately it has take a long time and many birds to realize this.
I don't see or hear this often... but Wolfgang Mening only raised Pavo Muticus muticus, not Java Muticus muticus...his birds were from captive bred peafowl originating in Southern Malaysia, which are no longer found, thought to be extinct in the wild. If you find out this is incorrect please email or call me."
Thanks to Sam, John Chupp importation of green peafowl from Wolfgang Mening in Germany (This is Wolfgang Mennig's website. Currently the source of most Imported Green peafowl into the United States.
We now have completed two breeding seasons using several breeding pairs of the imported males. Finally we have achieved our objective. The offspring are off the charts regarding size and showing color and phenotype one should expect. Do we produce the best in America… that can’t be said since there is no affordable DNA test at this time to compare these birds nor are there any control samples to compare to?
Java Peafowl (note: we had mentioned that all three Java sub-species imported were DNA as pure green, we have been corrected, "regards to the DNA work that was done, it was only done on the Java sub-species, not Imperator or Spicifer, DNA work was done by Ettore Randi at his lab in Italy") this was sent by someone who wanted to help correct a liberated statement I made earlier regarding DNA test. I appreciate all correspondence; it can only help each of us learn.
Give credit to the few breeders who took the chance and financial risk to have greens imported. Those would be the best. If considering our green peafowl. Consider the positive aspect of genetic drift from using RM hens and our imported males along with the fact were using birds that are unrelated which lessons the negative aspects of inbreeding --- perhaps then the second best in America.
March 2009, Javanese peafowl being released in Malaysia to increase tourism
the link below has a picture of green peafowl from the Java
so, years ago anything that was written or published became fact... after all, our culture was based or held together with those historical publishings. Today with the interent there are many web sites that are built and updated with opinions that have not been checked out. The link below is one of those articles. My friend is etreamly academicly gifted, I'm sure from years of study as well as being gifted.
But, the article he has created has both facts, and his opinion... but then again if you look back at the writings of Beebe or Delacour they might have implied they went to the Island of Java but, there is thought that they never made it however still published descriptions.
The highlighted tags below (Imported Java Green Peafowl) (the birds pictured below were imported, held in quarantine for 30 days, then moved several times so they are a bit rough...still impressive birds for yearlings) We look forward for the chance to take a few better pictures of each subspecies as they grow out. The pictures are large; our dial up service took awhile and did not show the graphic data well. Any suggestions to down size pictures?
African birds:
Vulturine Guinea Fowl
This species should not be that hard to find but, are... Vulturine Guinea fowl for sale vary from $250.00 each to $600.00 each depending on the few breeders that have them. Vulturine Guinea fowl are very common and are a often hunted for evening sport by the big game hunters visiting Africa.
Until there are more people breeding Vulturine fowl they will be in short supply. The care for Vulturine Guinea fowl is much like that of your common pheasants. Placed in a large enough pen they will calm down . For the past few years we have started landscaping pens for this type of species... much better for the birds and is more visually pleasing for visitors and ourselves. If keets are hand raised they can become quite tame. Quite personable birds. We have limited knowledge of water fowl and such but, this is the only species that I have raised that will accept any of its kind, age or gender from a different flock with no hostility. Internet articles site the Vulturine Guinea fowl as aggressive towards its own. We find just the opposite. This is important if you have limited room during the winter months. I used to think they were very easy to breed but, we have F1 from wild caught birds that have not produced while others will not quit producing. The average age for breeding can be 2 - 3 years old. Some years you may not get but a few eggs if any while other years you would think they were as fertile as domestic guinea fowl. Chicks are raised as you would domestic keets ... being over active if not handled... or just crazy. If you're in a wet or damp climate you probably would want to worm them every 2 months. The most important thing to remember with this species ... they can never be allowed in an area for any time when the temperature is 32 or below ... the birds themselves can take lower temperatures but the extremities, the toes, feet, legs will become damaged to a point that they just fall off. For this reason the cost of heating can really escalate ... this is also when the majority of birds either become so damaged they will never produce or die. They love the heat but I would think a wet environment is not conducive to the well being of the birds. With the Vulturines like allot of bird species people like to think of the financial aspect ... while for the next 5-8 years I don't think anyone could produce enough Vulturine fowl to satisfy the demand ... even then the birds would bring more income than other common species. But when you consider the years just to get them to a point where they were considered breeders ... they don't always breed... then consider the husbandry cost that includes heating ... you're better off considering getting them just for your enjoyment ... this is better for you and for the birds... keeping them from crowed spaces just for breeding... placing them in planted areas with more room would be much more rewarding.
A few years ago 15 were surplus for a new pubic African Safari exhibit, free ranging over 17 acres. This public facility trained the birds to return to box's at night for safety and shelter. One of the internet sites say they are nomadic but, we've had them escape in large numbers to return within a few days to the pens they were raised in.
Kenya Crested Guinea fowl for sale, and Vultuirne Guinea fowl for sale ... both should be after July or August of 2014
Vulturine Guinea Fowl
(Acryllium vulturinum)
We have permission to reprint Leland Hayes, PH.D. article about Vulturine Guinea Fowl. After looking at Mr. Hayes article and website we decided instead of re-writing his article we would just send you to his website. As well as being the author of several books relating to game birds, Mr. Hayes is the author of several digital web-books about Golden Pheasants, and Lady Amherst Pheasants, really a great idea. Go to http://www.lelandhayes.com for complete information. You might also wish to subscribe to Leland's news letter. mailto:Subscribe@lelandhayes.com?Subject=Subscribe. Vulturine information is in a special edition article, go to
Ocellated Turkey
The Ocellated Turkey is another species that is very limited in numbers in the United States. The number of private breeders is probably only 5 or 6. Very common in Southern Mexico along the Yucatan area as well Belize and Honduras. Ocellated Turkey's for sale in America are very uncommon. This species is one of three that are part of the Grand Slam that Turkey hunters dream of. At this time I only know of three breeders that have produced them ... ourselves included. We keep ours in planted pens with plenty of space... In the context of this writing we have them just for our enjoyment. We keep ours in heated areas during the colder months. While we have birds that were imported from Germany ... the German birds probably came from the US so I think one of the problems is the lack of genetic diversity. Once they reach 1 year of age they seem do quite well. Were not able to handle chicks enough to have them become tame but we do have a few that will let you walk or mow around them ... while others will go crazy if you get within 50 feet of their pen. This is a very expensive species at this time... personally I would not buy until at least 6 months of age and you would expect to spend an average of 1500 US.
Cracids – Great Curassow
Once widely held in private collections this species seems to be on the decline… while still available with little effort the numbers being produce seem to be less than in the past. This is one of the most pleasant bird species we have. Great Curassow hens are as large as a peahen, with the males having the body mass of the male peacock. We enjoy feeding additional dry lamb and rice dog food as the male will actually pick up and offer the feed to the hen. Breeding is reliable with 2-4 eggs layed each season. Hatched chicks from the incubator have remarkable strength regarding their ability to perch and are immediately placed in a brooder with branches to help prevent any future leg problems. If you were only to have one penned species this would be a great choice. Pen space should be around 20ft x 20 ft or 12 x 30 partially shaded area with some protection from extreme heat or freezing temperatures.
Genetic Problems Facing Peafowl
For those not involved with peafowl... Cameo, Purple, Bronze, Peach, Charcoal, Jade are all natural color mutations, not hybrids. Blackshoulder, pied, white eye, silver pied are natural patterns, and mutations not hybrids.
Charcoal Color: Charcoal, Charcoal blackshoulder hens are still believed to be sterile.
I enjoy landscaping the aviaries; in the future we will begin dismantling a few of the existing breeding sheds to build more natural flight pens.
Worming your breeders once then follow up 10 days later will insure the birds are healthy and fit for the breeding season. Sand will give your birds a place to dust. We burn the shed floor, removing litter before adding new sand. We also use this time to check netting, and fence…adding or removing sight barriers. With the spring rains, you might also consider planting rye grass.
Order wing bands…there are a number of options for you to consider. There are color bands, brass bands; you could even have your name or special information printed on them. We would suggest double bands.
If you use incubators, brooders you might want to have them cleaned, testing to make sure they are running correctly before hatch season begins.
There is a new link to the Discovery Channel down the page... some new thoughts
about the plumage of the peacock. Below that is a link to a San Diego Zoo article on peafowl.
We don't give advice or suggestions about the veterinarian care of peafowl or avian medical problems. While always trying to learn, we know little of medical problems, less than most. Educate yourself; as well seek the advice of a veterinarian professional.
OCCURRENCE: Young birds. Correlates with crowded confinement, using slat or wire floors, feeding rations with high mineral content or unsupplemented.
ETIOLOGY: Mainly due to deficiency of manganese or choline.
CLINICAL SIGNS: Malposition of one or both legs from the hock distally. The hock is swollen and the obvious site of malposition.
LESIONS: Initially: Hock is flattened, widened, and enlarged. Later: Leg from hock distally deviates laterally. Gastrocnemius tendon at the hock has slipped from its trochlea. The tibia andmetatarsus may be bowed and twisted. Shortening and thickening of the long bones of the legs and wings or displacement of the articular cartilage of the distal end of the tibia may be apparent.
DIAGNOSIS: Lesions, age, and size of bird.
Feed analysis. PREVENTION Feeding balanced ration.
TREATMENT: None for the bird affected. Prompt supplementation of the feed with manganese, choline, and B vitamins may minimize the problem.
New study: Article on the breeding value of peacock tail feathers vs. voice communication... The below link to the Discovery Channel should be the article.
Tail feathers, plumage: India Blue Peafowl, the Centre of Wildlife & Ornithology, Aligarh Muslim University, India has an interesting 2 page article on peafowl communication, mating, tail length. If you’re really smart you will read it once. I had to read it twice. http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v113n02/p0490-p0492.pdf
The San Diego has a great web site, below is a link for information on peafowl.
Below is a listing of peafowl that are known to exist or have the potential to exist. To my understanding there are no stud records kept. .
1. Green, Muticus-Muticus (Javanese)
2. Green, Muticus-Imperator (Indo-Chinese)
3. Green, Muticus- Specifier (Burmese)
4. India Blue
5. India Blue Pied
6. India Blue White-Eyed
7. India Blue Pied White-Eyed
8. India Blue Silver Pied
9. Black Shoulder
10. Black Shoulder Pied
11. Black Shoulder White-Eyed
12. Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
13. Black Shoulder Silver Pied
14. White
15. Cameo
16. Cameo Pied
17. Cameo White-Eyed
18. Cameo Pied White-Eyed
19. Cameo Silver Pied
20. Cameo Black Shoulder
21. Cameo Black Shoulder Pied
22. Cameo Black Shoulder White-Eyed
23. Cameo Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
24. Cameo Black Shoulder Silver Pied
25. Charcoal (varieties under consideration)
26. Charcoal Pied
27. Charcoal White-Eyed
28. Charcoal Pied White-Eyed
29. Charcoal Silver Pied
30. Charcoal Black Shoulder
31. Charcoal Black Shoulder Pied
32. Charcoal Black Shoulder White-Eyed
33. Charcoal Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
34. Charcoal Black Shoulder Silver Pied
35. Purple
36. Purple Pied
37. Purple White-Eyed
38. Purple Pied White-Eyed
39. Purple Silver Pied
40. Purple Black Shoulder
41. Purple Black Shoulder Pied
42. Purple Black Shoulder White-Eyed
43. Purple Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
44. Purple Black Shoulder Silver Pied
45. Buford Bronze
46. Buford Bronze Pied
47. Buford Bronze White-Eyed
48. Buford Bronze Pied White-Eyed
49. Buford Bronze Silver Pied
50. Buford Bronze Black Shoulder
51. Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Pied
52. Buford Bronze Black Shoulder White-Eyed
53. Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
54. Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Silver Pied
55. Peach
56. Peach Pied
57. Peach White-Eyed
58. Peach Pied White-Eyed
59. Peach Silver Pied
60. Peach Black Shoulder
61. Peach Black Shoulder Pied
62. Peach Black Shoulder White-Eyed
63. Peach Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
64. Peach Black Shoulder Silver Pied
65. Opal
66. Opal Pied
67. Opal White-Eyed
68. Opal Pied White-Eyed
69. Opal Silver Pied
70. Opal Black Shoulder
71. Opal Black Shoulder Pied
72. Opal Black Shoulder White-Eyed
73. Opal Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
74. Opal Black Shoulder Silver Pied
75. Midnight
76. Midnight Pied
77. Midnight White-Eyed
78. Midnight Pied White-Eyed
79. Midnight Silver Pied
80. Midnight Black Shoulder
81. Midnight Black Shoulder Pied
82. Midnight Black Shoulder White-Eyed
83. Midnight Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
84. Midnight Black Shoulder Silver Pied
85. Jade
86. Jade Pied
87. Jade White-Eyed
88. Jade Pied White-Eyed
89. Jade Silver Pied
90. Jade Black Shoulder
91. Jade Black Shoulder Pied
92. Jade Black Shoulder White-Eyed
93. Jade Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
94. Jade Black Shoulder Silver Pied
95. Spalding
96. Spalding Pied
97. Spalding White-Eyed
98. Spalding Pied White-Eyed
99. Spalding Silver Pied
100. Spalding Black Shoulder
101. Spalding Black Shoulder Pied
102. Spalding Black Shoulder White-Eyed
103. Spalding Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
104. Spalding Black Shoulder Silver Pied
105. Spalding White
106. Spalding Cameo
107. Spalding Cameo Pied
108. Spalding Cameo White-Eyed
109. Spalding Cameo Pied White-Eyed
110. Spalding Cameo Silver Pied
111. Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder
112. Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder Pied
113. Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder White-Eyed
114. Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
115. Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder Silver Pied
116. Spalding Charcoal (varieties under consideration)
117. Spalding Charcoal Pied
118. Spalding Charcoal White-Eyed
119. Spalding Charcoal Pied White-Eyed
120. Spalding Charcoal Silver Pied
121. Spalding Charcoal Black Shoulder
122. Spalding Charcoal Black Shoulder Pied
123. Spalding Charcoal Black Shoulder White-Eyed
124. Spalding Charcoal Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
125. Spalding Charcoal Black Shoulder Silver Pied
126. Spalding Purple
127. Spalding Purple Pied
128. Spalding Purple White-Eyed
129. Spalding Purple Pied White-Eyed
130. Spalding Purple Silver Pied
131. Spalding Purple Black Shoulder
132. Spalding Purple Black Shoulder Pied
133. Spalding Purple Black Shoulder White-Eyed
134. Spalding Purple Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
135. Spalding Purple Black Shoulder Silver Pied
136. Spalding Buford Bronze
137. Spalding Buford Bronze Pied
138. Spalding Buford Bronze White-Eyed
139. Spalding Buford Bronze Pied White-Eyed
140. Spalding Buford Bronze Silver Pied
141. Spalding Buford Bronze Black Shoulder
142. Spalding Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Pied
143. Spalding Buford Bronze Black Shoulder White-Eyed
144. Spalding Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
145. Spalding Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Silver Pied
146. Spalding Peach
147. Spalding Peach Pied
148. Spalding Peach White-Eyed
149. Spalding Peach Pied White-Eyed
150. Spalding Peach Silver Pied
151. Spalding Peach Black Shoulder
152. Spalding Peach Black Shoulder Pied
153. Spalding Peach Black Shoulder White-Eyed
154. Spalding Peach Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
155. Spalding Peach Black Shoulder Silver Pied
156. Spalding Opal
157. Spalding Opal Pied
158. Spalding Opal White-Eyed
159. Spalding Opal Pied White-Eyed
160. Spalding Opal Silver Pied
161. Spalding Opal Black Shoulder
162. Spalding Opal Black Shoulder Pied
163. Spalding Opal Black Shoulder White-Eyed
164. Spalding Opal Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
165. Spalding Opal Black Shoulder Silver Pied
166. Spalding Midnight
167. Spalding Midnight Pied
168. Spalding Midnight White-Eyed
169. Spalding Midnight Pied White-Eyed
170. Spalding Midnight Silver Pied
171. Spalding Midnight Black Shoulder
172. Spalding Midnight Black Shoulder Pied
173. Spalding Midnight Black Shoulder White-Eyed
174. Spalding Midnight Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
175. Spalding Midnight Black Shoulder Silver Pied
176. Spalding Jade
177. Spalding Jade Pied
178. Spalding Jade White-Eyed
179. Spalding Jade Pied White-Eyed
180. Spalding Jade Silver Pied
181. Spalding Jade Black Shoulder
182. Spalding Jade Black Shoulder Pied
183. Spalding Jade Black Shoulder White-Eyed
184. Spalding Jade Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
185. Spalding Jade Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Please, come back for another look later. We hope to post pictures of a new group of birds, White Texas Peafowl --- altered colors...Only at Texaspeafowl, with the hope of having fun at the expense of all who sell birds, including us. |
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United Peafowl Association (U.P.A)
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